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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics

The South African Adventure Industry Association (SAAIA) is the professional body dedicated to supporting individuals and corporate members to achieve success through the professionalization and support of the Adventure Based Learning (ABL), as well as the Adventure Tourist guiding industries. Its main objective is to promote proper conduct and ethical behaviour for all its members to the Adventure Based Learning (ABL), as well as the Adventure Tourist guiding industries. The SAAIA provides support and advice to members as they strive to embed this code of conduct in their day-to-day activities. All members and their employees agree to be bound by this code of conduct when applying for or renewing their SAAIA membership.


The SAAIA is the professional body representing the interests of the Adventure Based Learning (ABL), as well as the Adventure Tourist guiding community in Southern Africa. Its function is to promote high standards, to foster professionalism and to emphasize the responsibility of its members to society, to their clients and to each other as outline in the Code of Conduct (the Code). The Code cannot be considered to be all-encompassing and where challenges arise, members and registered individuals are expected to interpret the Code according to its overall spirit and seek guidance from the SAAIA NEC. This Code is issued by the SAAIA for compliance by all types of membership. As a condition of membership with the SAAIA, all members undertake to abide by this Code.


  • Members should conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting a member of the SAAIA, and under no circumstances engage in any act or behaviour that could bring the SAAIA or its membership into disrepute.

  • Members shall refrain from using their membership or the name or logo of the SAAIA to endorse their products or services or for any personal gain without the express permission of the SAAIA, which should be given in writing.

  • Members shall undertake to keep abreast of new knowledge and techniques and to share that information wherever and whenever appropriate for the general benefit of their professional colleagues.

  • Members shall participate whenever possible in the activities of SAAIA and promote and protect the interests of SAAIA.

  • Members shall promote the professional development of Adventure Based Learning and Adventure Tour Guiding wherever practical.

  • Members shall encourage suitable candidates and corporates to apply for membership with the SAAIA.

  • Members should have due regard to the effects of their work on the environment. They should follow and be ambassadors of the Leave No Trace guidelines and philosophy.

Professional Conduct

The SAAIA members are required:

  • To ensure that their professional actions add value and quality through the provision of management of safe and appropriate working environments, which are of benefit to employees and the broader public and are in line with regulatory requirements.

  • To contribute to civic affair and economic development of the community through the application of professional skills.

  • To consider the need to achieve sustainable development.

  • To ensure that information provided to the public is not misleading, is relevant and in a form that is clearly understood.

  • Not to undertake or be involved in fraudulent, dishonest, or criminal activities.

  • To create within the community an awareness and appreciation of the value of Adventure Based Learning and safe Adventure Tour Guiding to society.

Breach of this Code and Disputes.

  • Where this is a potential breach of the Code, a formal written complaint must be submitted to the NEC of the SAAIA about the member in question, from where the Rules and Regulations Committee of the SAAIA will be notified about the complaint.

  • Once a written complaint and supporting evidence is received by the SAAIA Rules and Regulations Committee, further information may be requested from the complainant.

  • If a breach of the Code is investigated and found to have occurred, a copy of the complaint and supporting evidence will be sent to the respondent to allow for a written response.

  • Once the respondent’s reply is received, it is sent to the complainant with an option to provide a response to the respondent’s response.

  • Depending on the complainant’s response, further clarification may be required from the respondent.

  • Breaches of the Code will be heard and deliberated upon by the SAAIA Rules and Regulations Committee, which will be made up of at least three members of the SAAIA NEC and/or persons whom they appoint for that purpose.

  • Both the complainant and the respondent will have the right to speak to the SAAIA Rules and Regulations Committee. The respondent is entitled to representation, legal or otherwise.

  • If the SAAIA Rules and Regulations Committee finds that the member is in breach of this Code, a penalty may be imposed against that member.

  • The member in questions will also be required to contribute towards the costs and expenses that were incurred by SAAIA during the complaints process.

  • The findings and decisions of the SAAIA Rules and Regulations Committee may be included on the SAAIA website.

  • Penalties that the SAAIA Rules and Regulations Committee may impose, include:

    • Forfeiture of membership.

    • List Item Suspension of membership for five years or less.

    • A fine.

    • Reprimanding the member, including publishing their name.

    • Cancellation or suspension of any privilege, right or benefit available to the member through their membership.

  • Members may appeal the decision of the SAAIA Rules and Regulations Committee. This appeal will be heard by the SAAIA NEC. At least 6 NEC members will deliberate the appeal.

  • The NEC may call for clarification and may request the complainant and member to appear before it.

  • The decision may by the NEC will then be final and no debate whatsoever will be entered into.


Code of Ethical Practice.

In adherence to the above, SAAIA members promise to abide by the following Code of Ethical Practice:

A quality Adventure Based Learning (ABL), as well as the Adventure Tourist guiding service is entirely dependent upon the professional integrity of member companies, their directors, and staff.

In the spirit of “EXCELLENCE”, the South African Adventure Industry Association subscribes to, and adopts the following Code of Ethical Practice and mandates total compliance thereto by all members as a condition of membership.

  • All members will use proper care and exercise professional judgement regarding the appropriateness of their actions and discharging their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the statutes of the Republic of South Africa.

  • All members shall comply with all relevant industry statutes, SAAIA’s constitution, rules, and decisions of SAAIA as may be determined from time to time and be open to audit in order to ensure compliance.

  • All members will maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity towards their clients, employees, fellow members, and avoid any action contrary to the public interest that would bring SAAIA into disrepute.

  • All members are expected to provide “fit for the purpose” services to meet client needs.

  • All members shall employ competent staff and make them effective through training and the provision of suitable equipment and materials.




As a member of SAAIA, I hereby agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics and acknowledge that disciplinary action may be taken against me should I fail to comply with the principles set out in this Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics. I hereby-

  1. Commit to promoting responsible practices.

  2. Accept that emphasis should be placed on increasing education in training methods and practices and on promoting collaboration and regulations around the adventure industry.

  3. Commit to SAAIA’s mission to educate and collaborate to ensure the professionalization of the industry.

  4. Commit to SAAIA’s mission for the continual review, evaluation and improvement of all rules, regulations, policies, and practices in all adventure tourism and ABL activities. Where warranted, they should be refined or changed. This includes existing practices and regulations to ensure that are not being perceived as acceptable, particularly if new research has called them into question.

  5. Commit to SAAIA’s mission for the providing of continuing education on all activities involving ABL and adventure tourism as well as strengthening sanction for non-compliance.

  6. Commit to SAAIA’s mission to the education of all people who work in the ABL and Adventure Tourism industries to ensure safety and care for public and employees.

  7. Undertake to never conduct myself at, or in relation to, any event, occasion, matter, or facility in a manner which brings SAAIA or the ABL and Adventure Tourism industry into disrepute.

  8. Undertake to behave and conduct myself in a professional manner abiding by all South African laws and legislation governing my particular profession in the ABL and Adventure Tourism industry.

  9. Undertake to continue to educate and keep myself current with new policies and techniques in my particular profession in the ABL and Adventure Tourism industry.

  10. Embrace an ethos of transparency, honesty, integrity, credibility, morals, and ethics, loyalty, respect and discretion at all times.

  11. Undertake to support and promote the ABL and Adventure Tourism industry.

  12. Respect the rights and dignity of all of individuals irrespective of race, culture, gender, or disability.

  13. Undertake to support the commitment of SAAIA to development and transformation.

  14. Undertake to observe the spirit as well as the letter of this Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics.

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